Sunday, August 19, 2012

Charlotte Olympics Party, Sunday, 8/19

The whole gang.

Sunday morning dawned with rumbles of thunder.  Not a good start.  Fortunately, the weather cleared and by the time Ron and I had finished breakfast and were ready to go, the skies were clearing up.  Thanks to the GPS we'd brought with us, we found the airport without incident, returned the rental car and got to the airport with 70 minutes before flight time.  I'd printed out or boarding passes the day before (Ron had joked, "if I'd been in charge, we'd be buying tickets at the airport").  The TSA staff helpfully pointed out to those of us bunched at the B concourse checkpoint that C and D were practically empty.  We ended up in D, although I told Ron the real question was which line had the Iraqi family whose kids had sippy cups in their backpacks.  Fortunately, we got through quickly although I was not happy to see that now they scan you rdriver's license (what are they storing?  who gets to see it?) and that unless I wanted to be groped by the TSA, the Nude-O-Scope was in operation.  Assume the position.  I'd forgotten that it would catch the wad of Kleenex and my driver's license still in my pocket.  Yes, I AM a threat to the flying public.

But, we landed on time and were home by 2 PM.  It was a short but happy trip.

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