Monday, March 25, 2019

Friday, March 15, 2019: From Kansas City to San Juan del Cabo

Being paranoid about missing connections, I chose a morning flight to DFW with an 8-hour layover for my flight to Cabo San Lucas.  It was OK- at least as a solo traveler I wasn’t subjecting anyone else to my crazy timetable and as a Business Class passenger I could hang out in the Admirals Club and enjoy munchies, sit on nice couches and get drinks from the open bar.  Or maybe not.  It turned out that I was not eligible to use the Club for free but could buy a day pass.  No, thanks.  I did some research and eventually found a generic club that wasn’t quite as good as the Admiral’s Club but was $20 cheaper and didn’t reward AA by paying them for a perk they’d taken away when I wasn’t looking.  The Club at DFW had just about every seat taken and felt more claustrophobic but it filled the bill.

It was a VERY long layover, made worse by a one-hour delay, but eventually we took off and I sighed with relief.  The flight added to my disappointment with American; for a flight of almost 3 hours leaving at 8 PM, we were served a small dish of warm mixed nuts (typical  AA appetizer) followed by- a warm cookie.  Pitiful.  I was grateful for my supply of protein bars.

There was no line at all at Immigration at SJC, the timeshare touts had all gone home, and I soon found my driver and got to my hotel- the Grand Barcelo, which was beautiful even in the dark.

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